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Portrait from the "Look! Forward" 2019 exhibit for Family Connections South Carolina

Natalie Pottinger, Television presenter
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Natalie Pottinger, Television presenter

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Portrait from the "Look! Forward" 2019 exhibit for Family Connections South Carolina

Hannah Burk
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Hannah Burk
Environmental portraiture for Spring Valley Animal Hopsital. Documenting the clinic, its doctors and staff at work and the animals for which they care.

Doreen Malbaurn Wright and Harvey
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Doreen Malbaurn Wright and Harvey
Environmental portraiture for Spring Valley Animal Hopsital. Documenting the clinic, its doctors and staff at work and the animals for which they care.

Dr. Megan Herbers
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Dr. Megan Herbers
Environmental portraiture for Spring Valley Animal Hopsital. Documenting a clinic, its doctors and staff at work and the animals for which they care.